03 June 2007


Dear readers,

Sorry for not writing anything in the last days. But it is for a good reason: I have been working a lot for my new job. Apart from this, great news: I have been interviewed. You can look at my answers about the expatriate life here. You can even see my face... lol... Quite a scoop, I guess.

Unfortunately, the good news stop there. I am officially completely broke. The unemployment money for last month didn't arrive. Which means I am in a very dire situation, money wise. I guess I'll have to eat potatoes in the coming months before I can actually party again... :-(


le new fifi said...

T'es pas né à Paris!

Jean-Baptiste Perrin said...

Parce que tu crois que l'Amerloque moyen sait où est Issy-Les-Moulineaux? C'est du pareil au même pour eux. Ca ne fait qu'1 km de différence.

Mohamed El Kortbi said...

T'es un provincial selon la terminolgie parisienne! hahahha

Mohamed El Kortbi said...

excuses ... une affaire de famille!
En plus je lui fait confiance! il est gendarme .

le new fifi said...

à temps plus que partiel...