While still studying at university, I was introduced to the main Kukiwon style. It is the one popularized by the Olympic Games and the most practised in the world. I followed, on and off, especially during my time in Lyon, where I was lucky enough to study with Master Lee Yong Son, at theTaekwondo Mudo Club. Unfortunately, when I moved to the Netherlands, I had to leave his most excellent dojang. I did not abandon the sport though, and practised at first in Gouda, then at the Lautenschläger school in Rotterdam. After reaching the green belt (5th keup) in 2005, I was wounded in an unrelated accident and had a pretty heavy knee operation. Two years later, I wanted to get back to Taekwondo. But I realized that the Kukiwon style, with its repetitive heavy impacts and joint stressing, was not the best option for me any more. I heard about another style (imported from the USA), called Songahm. I joined a local club, then called Songahm Holland, today MO Martial Arts. I immediately felt at home there and made quick progress under the excellent teaching of instructors Martijn Ooms and Jasper Jelsma. Currently brown belt (3rd keup), I am hoping to reach the black belt level very soon, despite a rather irregular attendance.