08 July 2009

So far so near

I have been away far too long from this blog. It is not that I have nothing to say, it is just that I have so little time.

Anyway, I am back from a good French holidays. Two weeks in family, having quality time, relaxing and generally enjoying good summer weather and the countryside.

I am going to start posting again about Europe soon. I might also from time to time drop in some rants about my other hobbies (photography and video games) as well as my work (maritime transport).

Just to treat you after this long time, here is a photo I took recently. Hope you like it. And her is another one from Casblanca (the city and the film...):


Mohamed El Kortbi said...

il fallait m'avertir de ton passage à Casablanca, je pouvais t'inviter à boire un thé !

Jean-Baptiste Perrin said...

Cher Mohamed,
C'est vrai, j'aurais du. En fait, je vais maintenant régulièrement à Casa pour mon travail. La prochaine fois, c'est promis, je te contacte avant (je pense que ce sera en Septembre).