04 August 2007

Shop story

Dear readers,

This is just a little story I heard recently. But quite revealing of the times we are living in...

It's this little cute black girl in a shop in Rotterdam Zuid. She bables with the sales woman and explains her how happy she is. The sales woman asks her about her parents. The girl is beaming with pride: "My dad is a musician. He is really good..." The sales woman: "Really. That's nice." The girl replies: "He is such a good musician that he even received a prize..." The sales woman obviously asks which prize her dad got. And the little girl answers, dead serious: "Hij heeft een general pardon gewonnen!" (he received imunity from prosecution for being an illegal immigrant in the Netherlands, effectively granting him residency permit).

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Mohamed El Kortbi said...

et quel prix !!

Jean-Baptiste Perrin said...

Eh oui. Quelle chance de pouvoir vivre et travailler dans un pays où il sera méprisé toute sa vie pour ce qu'il est et craint pour ce qu'il n'est pas...! Personnellement, je trouve cette histoire terrible.