Dear readers,
The European Union and its European Commission are making desperate attempts to appeal to more of its citizens. An important mission, more important in my eyes than the disastrous conference of last week. I don't know if most EU citizens will, like me, feel truly Europeans instead of only English, French, German, Polish or Dutch. But knowing why we are doing this together is an important step. A step the infamous Kaczynski brothers have probably forgotten (if they ever realized it). I guess their twin couple would be more at ease in an episode of Fawlty Towers than in EU negotiations they despise anyway.
But the point is that the EU has decided to use modern tools to do this. And what could be more trendy and modern than YouTube? At least, that is what the civil servants of the Communication DG have thought. So they put all kinds of EU related and EU promo videos on a YouTube site. It's worth a look, even if most of the videos are a bit lame. At least the series "If the EU didn't exist..." is quite a laugh. So, enjoy !
Frérot!!!! J'ai pris un PV! :D 11€ de timbre amende pour avoir oublié de payer le stationnement! Curieusement ji'en ai rit toute la journée. Y compris en achetant mon timbre amende au bureau de tabac. Réflexion de la buraliste "vous êtes bien le premier que je vois que ça fait rire!" Après lui avoir expliqué ma situation "Je ne vous explique pas alors comment ça marche je suis sûre que vous le savez...". Mais je me sui vengé un peu plus tard... yék yék yék.
Tu t'es pas vengé sur la buraliste, quand même? ;-)
Non, juste la constatation d'une infraction au code de la route, qui a amené à la rédaction d'une procédure de timbre amende par un collègue :D.
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